Tuesday, October 12, 2021


 Hello dear friends- Thanks to so many of you for filling out the SURVEY!! So many more of you chimed in this week! This makes me so happy! Way to go everyone! Let's see what you have to say about your week!


Jenny Robinson15
CarolynNot counting
Mel Hopes
Carrie Phy23
Christie Allen15
Christie Allen15
HannahI'm not sure lol!
Dannette Allen27
David Atkinson?
Really Serious37
MarshaNot keeping track but am doing all the things! 🤗
Liz Grajeda27
Mary Anne Koski35
Nancy Norton15
Karin Brimhall31
Jenny Robinson25
Sarah you-know-who Norton30

Congratulations to top point getters this week and everyone else who joined in and checked in! You sure are good at snatching those little points floating out in the atmosphere.... :) 

Forms response chart. Question title: How successful were you at decluttering?. Number of responses: 36 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: Which area did you work on decluttering THE MOST?. Number of responses: 36 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: What is the hardest area to declutter?. Number of responses: 36 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: How did the decluttering make you feel?. Number of responses: 36 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: What do you need from me?. Number of responses: 34 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: Which way do you like getting the info BEST?. Number of responses: 35 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: How much effort are you giving to the challenge?. Number of responses: 36 responses.

Going on vacation for part of this week has made it hard since I'm thrown out of my routine and managing my time due to other's plans. However, I don't regret my vacation and will try harder next week!
Decluttering is an underrated pleasure! Thank you for the kick in the pants. It was a good reminder that we can do it in small chunks and it doesn’t need to take up an entire day.
I was out of my routine by having this week off of work, but seemed to be less productive, so I learned that I prefer structure.
I had the week off of work and I found that I had a hard time getting into a routine and was less productive than I thought I would be. I found out I need structure.
This was a tough challenge for me. I deleted games on my phone which freed up time but putting good things in that time was tricky. I started and will continue to redesign an unused junk room but overall I did not have any closure so I am continuing into next week.
I made so much progress with a lot of little areas and projects that I wanted to tweak that I realized I was keeping busy to avoid the biggest challenge that I had set for myself. I need to rethink that challenge and strip it down to the systems involved
I learned to listen to your video while walking which saved time
I just love the accountability of the challenge and it was a huge wake up call for my to declutter the things/relationships in my life that don't serve me.
I did but do no know how to put it in words. My mind clutter was dark and it is starting to become light.
I feel more calm and at peace when I declutter and simplify my environment. Takes away some of the overwhelmed feelings. I feel better when I focus on health too.
I realize how many of my calories are filled with sugar. It has been eye opening to take a break from that tendency.
I loved taking back some space in my brain from the adversary who is ALWAYS trying to distract me, slow me down or totally derail me!

 Thanks everyone for all your personal comments and suggestions! It really helps the whole group! OK- GO TO SLEEP NOW.... See you in your dreams!