Saturday, December 4, 2021


 Week 11 is HERE!!! Our Challenge is almost over and this week we are preparing you for your future and sending you off (soon) with some great tools to use as you move forward! What do you want your future to look like? How are  you going to maintain your healing and your good habits? Just as we all have a truthteller, there is an adversarial force out there that wants to derail us from our best path. When we are aware of this presence and their tricks and traps, we are better prepared to stay safe and stay strong. I have already given you some HUGE weapons you can use: eating healthy, being well rested, getting exercise, feeling strong, listening to music, praying and meditating, even staying hydrated can help you be strong and healthy. Nature will surround you with beauty and strength as you combat resistance and lets not forget MUSIC as one of our best tools of finding peace and strength! Writing in our journals can help us see when we are getting pushed or pulled off track and remind us of important truths. Our decluttered minds and homes can be a place of refuge. We are ready!!

Let's talk about some additional tools. 

Affirmations  & Declarations- One ridiculously simple way to combat the lies that will try to encroach on your new found zen-ness, are affirmations and declarations. Cue Stuart Smally from Saturday Night Live...

Haha! Ok!! That cracks me up, now when you do your affirmations, you don't need to use a lisp or anything. Just your regular voice works! If you haven't done these before you might feel a little geeky or weird but just hang in there and trust me and millions of others! I want you to spend a little time reflecting on what you need to remind yourself each day but I will also give you some great ones here! 

- One  really simple thing is to directly combat the lies that your brain tends to return to when you aren't being vigilant. Lies you believed for a long time, or lies that sound an awful lot like truth before the light of truth is shone on them. Ask yourself, "What does my soul need to remember?" Maybe you always hear the thought "I am never going to get everything done." You could replace it with "Whatever I get done will be enough" or "I will focus on the best things and that will be enough" Maybe you grew up thinking that you didn't have a voice. You could remind yourself every day that "My voice matters." If you never felt like you belonged, you could remind yourself that, "I am a priceless creation of the King of the Universe. I am never alone and always loved perfectly." 

- You can take these a step further and make them declarations. These are powerful statements that definitively declare to the world truths that you want to manifest each day. Some might even be a stretch at first, but you put it in present day context and use "I am" statements and GO FOR IT! "I am a powerful force for good in the world and I operate seamlessly with my truthteller!" "I live my potential and bring love to the world every day!" 

- Think of how you want to feel at the end of each day?

- What do you want your life to look like?

- How do you want to show up in the world? How do you want others to see you?

Put that future you and your future life into words and say it ALOUD each morning. WORDS HAVE POWER! Just ask Thomas Jefferson! What influence do you think the Declaration of Independence has made on our country, the world and you? Write your own Declaration of Independence!!

- What other affirmations and declarations have you heard or do you use? PLEASE EMAIL ME SOME and I will share them with the group!

Here is a quote that I have put on many leather bracelets and I think it would be a great declaration: (I am switching it to  "my" and "I" statements)

"My life has purpose. My story is important. My dreams count. My voice matters. I was born to make an impact!" 

Please continue your healing and growth beyond this challenge and fight for the future that you WANT! Don't be passive. Don't give in to old habits we have disposed of. Put your truth out there with power and positivity!! AND REMEMBER...

When you feel resistance, discouragement or an onslaught of negativity from some unknown (or known) source, that often means you are on the right track and the adversary is trying to thwart your progress. Protect your healing. See it as a sign that you are ON THE RIGHT TRACK! Keep going. Fight harder. Do it anyways!!! You got this!! 

I love you!! Have a great week and give yourself a point for every day that you write, or say your affirmations and declarations. DO AT LEAST 3 a day!! Send me in your ideas!!!