Saturday, October 23, 2021

WEEK 5, Pray & Meditate!!

 Hello Beautiful Souls!! 

Welcome to week 5! This week we will add PRAYER & MEDITATION  to your daily routine! Heads up.... WE WILL CONTINUE THIS THE REST OF THE CHALLENGE!! Here is a 10:57 min. video I made for you all about prayer! The audio is on Sound Cloud HERE and there is a pretty accurate outline below! 

I hope week 4 (Fill your soul with MUSIC) was fabulous! This week will be even better! Keep listening to that music (no points for that next week, just good vibes) I hope you DANCED THIS WEEK FOR 3 extra bonus points!! Get boogying if you didn't! 

Prayer Pep-talk

HELLO AGAIN! How ARE you, my friends?! I just love checking in with you every week! Thanks for hanging in there with me. You have motivated me to improve my life so much and you being a part of this challenge is a major blessing in my life. I hope I am a blessing in your life as well! Remember that you will get as much out of this challenge as you are putting into it… so give it all you’ve got!


Let’s talk about this week’s challenge. It’s going to be all about ASKING with Prayer and Meditation!  In his book about Atomic Habits, James Clear talked to us about tuning up our systems, but he says that true lasting change happens one level deeper than that. He explains that the system is all built around our belief of WHO WE ARE. How many times have you said something to yourself like, “I am a wreck. I  am just not one of THOSE people. I am hopeless. I am too far gone. It’s too late for me now.”


We believe so many things about ourselves that are just not true and then we make those beliefs a reality without even realizing it. What if we really dug deep to figure out the truth about our beautiful souls? What if we started living in a new way because we believed we were capable of it, that we deserved it, that it is just who we ARE! That was the bottom line of how I got free from my eating disorder and abuse. I just wasn’t that person anymore. I was not a person who was going to be treated like that and then things change little by little until that truth manifested itself in my new life. This is who I always was, I just didn’t believe it for a long time. 


You don’t believe me you say? It’s not that easy? Well, it’s not easy but it is simple. But we have a WHOLE lot of help to get us there! WE ARE NOT EXPECTED TO DO THIS LIFE ON OUR OWN. PHEW! 


Imagine this, the creator of your soul, the earth, quantum physics, all the elements, butterflies, whales, horses, sunsets, sequoias, lilies, hydrangeas, meadows, streams, mountain ranges, tectonic plates, solar systems and galaxies… wants to have a personal relationship with you!! Is willing to help you be joyful, peaceful and successful in the things that matter most. Would just LOVE to assist you in prioritizing your life, living your dreams, watching over you, protecting you, comforting you, answering life’s difficult questions, guiding you, and is even interested in helping you find your lost keys! Most especially, this creator is interested in helping you feel their presence and feel loved! Not only that, but their love, honor and majesty makes them incredibly POWERFUL (as if creating everything wasn’t enough).  At their disposal they have everything they have ever created; including other humans, plants, animals, clouds, sunsets, they sky, angels and the waters, that they can use to help bless your life. The only thing they won’t do for you is to force another person to do something against their will or give you something that is to your permanent detriment. Freedom of choice is very important to them. They won’t even force you to obey. Your free will is sacred. 


And the most amazing thing is that all you have to do is ASK with faith and trust… Words have power. Words with the right intention, create new realities. 


Why wouldn’t the creator help you?? 


Imagine that your adult child one day comes to you and says “Dad (or mom), I really want to learn from you and get to know you better!” Can you imagine how much joy that would bring you and how willing you would be to impart your love and knowledge and experience with them? 


Can you imagine how grateful you would be that you have a willing soul with two hands, a big, brave heart (and most of all with a willingness) to help you heal and bless other people on your team. Wouldn’t you want to give them all the help with their own issues that you can, so they can be strong and capable of helping you rescue others who struggle alone? 


We will spend a whole week talking about listening but let’s just say that after we ask, we practice listening and following. Little by little. Sometimes the answers will come loudly and quickly, but more often they will use their angels, the Spirit, or the elements to slowly and gently teach you little by little how to find more joy and peace and meaning in your life. 


You just have to be humble enough to ask, quiet enough to listen and brave enough to follow. And then every time you get an answer, a gift, a hug or a kiss from heaven, you just say THANK YOU to your truthteller and all those angels and elements that came together to assist you! When they feel your sincere gratitude and love with love and they will jump at the chance to do it again and again. You will be taken on a journey that you cannot imagine! Things will happen that you never even thought to ask for in the beginning. 


One of the best ways to really feel the guidance of heaven, is to listen to your intuition about what questions you should be asking in the first place. Sometimes the power is knowing what to ask for. Some powerful questions that have summoned miracles for me and others are:


* Please help me feel your love for me.

* Please show me who I really am, (as your child, as a mother/father, as a spouse)

* Please chip away everything that isn’t me or isn’t serving me.

* What is my next best step? (Thanks Camille!)

* What question should I be asking?

* What is it about this situation that I am not seeing correctly?

* What is the truth about this situation?

* Where can I find the answers I am seeking? 

* Who can I talk to about this?

* Please heal me from my addiction!

* What can I learn from this?

* Please show me where I am going wrong or way off track. Please help me to get back on track.

* Please help me feel charity towards ___________, and help them feel charity towards me.

* If everything is going to be okay someday, will you help me feel some of that peace?

* How can I best help my children through this crisis?

*  Please forgive me

*  Please help me forgive

* Please help me leave my past behind. Take away my shame, guilt, remorse. 

* Please hold me, comfort me. 

* Will you please take this pain from me?

* Who can I help? How can I help? 

* I NEED A MIRACLE! Please help in any way you can!

* Help me SEE the path I should take!

* Please help me recognize YOUR voice and be brave enough to follow.

* This is what I think you are telling me to do (or believe), is this correct?


The list is literally endless! And don’t just ask… talk to your creator! What a privilege and honor! Share your fears and struggles and even anger. Get to know them and let them get to know you. We don’t just have one heavenly being watching out for us. There are heavenly parents and many of us believe in a Savior too. Include all of them in your thoughts as you pray. 


When I look at this list of questions, I think, why wouldn’t you get answers to any of these questions? Wouldn’t a loving creator want to and be able to help you with any and all of these? THOSE KINDS OF QUESTIONS ARE SO POWERFUL!! Together, you and God are unstoppable! 


BE SINCERE!! Be intentional. BE INTENSE!! Be teachable and humble. Be grateful! GO FOR IT!!


I love this quote from podcaster and religious scholar, Hank Smith  


“You can’t get a million dollar answer from a 5 cent prayer.” 


Let’s fill this week with million dollar prayers. 

This takes practice but the more you connect to the divine the easier it gets and the clearer the answers become. Your confidence with grow and grow. Soon, when you ask for miracles, you will ask with such faith that you will see them as already fulfilled, kind of how I made my vision board, as if the things have already happened or are on their way. You and your thrutheller can manifest huge AMAZING changes in your life!! Why not try?!





WRITE DOWN YOUR ANSWERS (many ways to do this… We will talk more about this in a couple days.)


Some prayers are said in our hearts. Out truthteller can always hear us in our minds. We can work things out with them all day long in our thoughts and hearts. Just a constant conversation, give and take, mulling things over, working them out.


I love this quote by Victor Hugo (author of Les Miserables) 


“Certain thoughts are prayers. There are certain moments when, whatever the attitude of the body, the soul is on its knees.” 


We can pray anytime, anywhere and in any position.



Are you visiting your thruthteller or are they visiting you? Some people might envision their truthteller, sitting by thm on their bed. 

My visualization: I am kneeling at the Throne of God with my heavenly mother and the savior are there too.  Sometimes the Father reaches out and touches my head. Especially when I am despairing.

Sometimes I visualize myself talking to Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, or sometimes just in a beautiful meadow at the base of a tree. Maybe even The Tree of Life. Maybe you and your truthteller could decide on a meeting place this week.


We will talk all about listening for answers and getting directions in a few weeks. I can’t wait for that!!


Ok all you warriors! If you’re new to this, don’t stress! There is no wrong way to do it. Just start a line of communication going with your truthteller. You will get better with practice and you will see changes in your life. Get going and enjoy the process!! If you are a regular pray-er, then figure out a way to stretch yourself this week!! Have a great week. Talk to you again soon!