First of all, WAY TO GO!! I am so glad you are all taking this seriously and am still so impressed that you are progressing and chiming in each week! Thanks for doing this together!! I hope you really enjoyed prayer week. It was a really hard and special week for me. I pray for you each day and hope you are getting what you need from this challenge. I love doing this!!
Second- I messed up on the survey when I listed each of the daily challenges, to help you total your points! I accidentally wrote "Sleep 7 hours per night" but that is NOT one of our daily challenges anymore (even though I hope you are still doing that!) It should have been "Exercise daily!" That IS one of our daily challenges this whole 12 weeks.(Thanks Karin for catching that). And remember, from here on out we will add "Pray 2x daily" to our daily list of challenges. So it will be:
* PRAY 2x daily
* Exercise daily
* Read from uplifting book daily
* No sugary treats daily
* Your Personal Challenge
* Weekly rotating Challenge (this week's is EAT NATURE- fruits and veggies)
* Mystery Bonus points (3 gifted from on high if you happened to do the action revealed to us at the end of the week)
THAT IS A MAX OF 45 points per week here on out!
Ok.... drum roll please.... Let's see how y'all did!
Carolyn Ricker |
Really Serious | 34 |
Hillarie | 27 |
David Atkinson | 22 |
Fawn | 38 |
rhonda | 21 |
Maryjane | 38 |
vicky Manning | 33 |
WenD | 31 |
Jenny Robinson | 33 |
Marsha | 😜 |
Rich | 38 |
Carrie | |
Cam | 30 |
Lisa Jones | 29 |
Christie | 21 |
Mary Anne Koski | 38 |
Karin | 31 |
Dannette | 35 |
Val Van Haren | 21 |
Sarah | 30 |
Bill | 26 |
WOW YOU GUYS!! That was a tough week with Halloween in there!!

I must admit, I am in the red wedge! I struggled this week! Maybe i am giving it the same effort but life just got harder. Anyways- Most of you said you are giving it the same amount of effort and since you seem to mostly be doing really well, maybe that means you started out strong and are keepin' on strong!! WOOT WOOT!!

Only a few were struggling and most of you are really looking up and getting closer to heaven. Apparently no one's mind was totally blown! Haha! Just you wait... remember, we are carrying this challenge on the rest of the time now!!

And the winner is... NO SUGARY TREATS!! Followed by SLEEP, and a three way tie for Read, Pray, and Music! So interesting!! I have to say that the MUSIC week was the week that FELT the best to my soul!! It was just so rich!

I found this one so fascinating! TIME seems to be the biggest barrier! Maybe we need to declutter more? Ha! Followed by a mental block of some sort. We will have to delve more into what types of mental blocks. I'm glad that 10% of you are not struggling with any big barriers! Sweet!!
What is one thing you learned about PRAYER/MEDITATION this week?
I need to make time to meditate
It helped me to be more thoughtful and to write down concerns and goals. I loved the 2 videos.
My prayers and thoughts are not organized or with specific intent. It has been a struggle trying to change that.
Saying prayers out loud is hard to do when I am used to saying silent prayers
Time spent in prayer and meditation is sooo worth it!!
I learned that I fall asleep so easily during my prayers, and I’m getting used to it! It has helped me be more mindful.
there is always room for improvement
I love having the conversations in my head with my Creator but actual "prayer" is much more fulfilling and has made my scripture reading so much better! I see God's love!!!
I learned to ask the Lord to guide and teach me in the type of learning that I am best with. I can ask for it to be that personal!
How important it is to center myself with both of these!
I need to have more of a variety, meditate prior to prayer, see myself as a son on a mission for the Lord with many assignments that need to be accounted for daily. Loves Amy’s podcast questions.
Honest answer - even though I KNOW I need to make this a priority daily, I don't always do that.
I loved hearing all the personal prayer stories!! What a boost!
I’m great at praying but not great at praying out loud.
I am really trying, but not comfortable with this part of the challenge.
Other people are hurting and need prayers in their behalf. They are not afraid to ask for others prayers.
God is near
Prayer is a calming factor for me. This week was tonight, started out sleep deprived and filling in while granddaughter being born. At moments of feeling overwhelmed and unsettled, it was a calming force to help me regain focus and feel impressions for what I needed to do to get back on track.
I learned that the Lord even inspired my mother to fast and pray for me on the same day I asked friends to pray for me! We are being cared for even when we don't realize it!
Thanks so much for sharing and being so vulnerable with our group. It really means a LOT! I can't wait to talk with you all on ZOOM on Sunday at 3:00pm Mountain time!
Also- thanks to those who shared their prayer experiences! Those have been really inspiring to our group!
What encouragement would you give to PUMP SOMEONE UP who is doing the challenge but struggling in an area (or more)?
You can do it! This is just one step at a time. It is worth the climb.
Give each challenge the best you can. You never know how or where it is creating movement. And then give yourself a smile. You’re worth it.
Everyday is a new day
Take it day by day. Know that you can change habits with slow, steady progress. We just have to be patient with ourselves and with the process.
Better late than never is a true statement! Any effort will be rewarded in some way. You just get to figure out how that is. Go team!
Its ok to mess up. Don't expect perfection, expect effort.
Every bit that you can do is worth it and will help with the others. They are all connected.
Stay consistent, if you do it will Broncos more habitual!
Write them down and get them visually out in front of you. Say them out loud daily using the present tense. I am …ing and it is worth it.
Don't compare yourself to anyone else and how they are doing. Ask yourself honestly, what 1 thing can I work towards making a small improvement daily on.
Just focus on one thing at a time! Baby steps will get you there.
Everything counts! Start small.
Remember even baby steps help us. Remember the bicyclist story.
Keep going. Accept yourself where you are and try again tomorrow. You can do this. It is worth it!
It is about choosing each day to act. You can't think of the challenge in terms of 12 weeks. That is overwhelming. But you can wake up each day and choose to try to hit all of the checks for the day.
Don’t give up. You’re worth it. Keep a visible challenge list where it is easily seen several times throughout day to motivate you and keep priorities on your well being.
You are stronger than you think you are! You got this! It's worth it and so are you!
Ahhhhh!!!! Such great encouragement! I really needed to hear these too! Thanks so much everyone!
There was a mistake in the tracking chart last week, with no spot on it for the NO SUGARY TREATS part of the challenge, but I will fix that and add a NEW section for PRAY 2x DAILY and send that out today! FROM HERE ON OUT THERE ARE 45 POINTS AVAILABLE EACH WEEK!!!
Excellent work, friends! Let's talk on Zoom and have some fun Sunday afternoon at 3:00pm mountain time! Set an alarm right now so you don't forget!!!
I love you! Keep up the hard work!! And eat those fruits and veggies!!