Dear Friends,
We are going to KEEP PRAYING for the next 7 weeks! It will carry on now (like No Sugary Treats did) as a new daily challenge. So NEXT WEEK there will be 45 points possible, instead of 38. Prayer/meditation will be one of the 4 daily challenges. Plus our weekly challenge (eat nature!) and your personal challenge and lastly, your mystery challenge!
It will look like this:
Pray 2x daily (7 poss)
No Sugary Treats (7 poss)
Read uplifting book daily (7 poss)
Exercise daily (7 poss)
Weekly rotating challenge - EAT NATURE (7 poss)
Personal Challenge (7 poss)
Bonus points (3 poss)
45 total possible at the end of WEEK 6 and on through 12~