Sunday, October 31, 2021

KEEP PRAYING Daily for next 7 weeks!

Dear Friends, 

We are going to KEEP PRAYING for the next 7 weeks! It will carry on now (like No Sugary Treats did) as a new daily challenge. So NEXT WEEK there will be 45 points possible, instead of 38. Prayer/meditation will be one of the 4 daily challenges. Plus our weekly challenge (eat nature!) and your personal challenge and lastly, your mystery challenge! 

It will look like this:
Pray 2x daily (7 poss) 
No Sugary Treats (7 poss) 
Read uplifting book daily (7 poss) 
Exercise daily  (7 poss) 

Weekly rotating challenge - EAT NATURE  (7 poss) 

Personal Challenge  (7 poss)  
Bonus points (3 poss)

45 total possible at the end of WEEK 6 and on through 12~ 


Mystery Points, Survey Week 5 & Zoom link for NEXT SUNDAY!

 BONUS POINTS: If you watched/enjoyed a sunrise or a sunset last week give yourself 3 bonus points for the prayer week survey!!! 

​Here is your survey for WEEK 5 (Prayer)! Please take it by midnight Monday- but don't let the deadline deter you from taking it!! I would really love to hear your thoughts on these questions! 

NEXT SUNDAY (Nov. 7) we will do another ZOOM MEETING!! This will be so fun!!
3:00pm AZ time (Pacific) 
I hope you can make it!!!