Thursday, October 14, 2021

ZOOM meeting this Sunday and FAQ's

I WOULD LIKE TO have a ZOOM MEETING THIS SUNDAY!! In the meeting I will tell you all about the challenge for NEXT WEEK (instead of sending out a video) I will post the audio to the meeting if you can't make it but i REALLY want you all to come!! Here is a quick survey. Tell me which time works best for you!

  Frequently Asked Questions: 

Q. Do I pick a new Personal Challenge or keep the same one I started with the whole challenge?  

A. It's up to you. The idea is to work on one personal challenge the whole 12 weeks... (a bad habit you are trying to break or a habit you are trying to create- or something else you want to work on) i.e. I chose to not drink diet soda for 12 weeks! This week I have been missing my diet soda but I am going to STICK WITH IT because that is what I chose to do initially and I want to see and feel the health benefits! But if you started with a challenge that was more like a task or project and you have completed it, then pick something new and give yourself points for that these next few weeks! Go for it! 

Q. Do I keep adding the rotating weekly challenge to my daily challenges as the weeks go on? Like how we added the NO SUGAR challenge onto the daily challenge list? 

A. No and Yes. Let me 'splain. The weekly challenges do not stack on top of each other, making more and more things you earn points for each week. JUST WEEK ONE (No sugary treats) we added on to your daily list. BUT.... that's the idea behind this challenge... that you will LOVE decluttering and LOVE getting a full night sleep and then add them into your routine on your own, but you don't HAVE TO! You are only COMMITTING to do it for ONE week, and you only GET POINTS for it for the ONE WEEK. But that being said, I do reserve the right to add some of the weekly challenges into your daily routine, and give you points for them! I will let you know if/when that happens!! For now, you are working on sleep (this week), your personal challenge plus your daily challenges of: exercise, reading uplifting books, and no sugary treats. 38 points possible! 

I am still working on your bracelets, if you took the bracelet survey. Sorry they are not done yet! If you would like to order, click on this link and fill it out! 

What other questions do you have? Thanks and have a great weekend!!