Welcome back everyone! I sure love you! You are an AMAZING HUMAN!
Here is the SPOTIFY PLAYLIST that YOU ALL PUT TOGETHER with your favorite song suggestions!! Awesome music here, folks! I have really enjoyed listening to your favorite songs as I created this! Thanks for contributing!! Please listen!!
Before we get to the Week 3 results.... I hope week 4 (MUSIC) is going fabulously! I feel SO FULL OF LIGHT! I love it!! I bought a guitar yesterday!! Over the past 3 years I have been practicing on and off using my daughter's guitar but I have no idea where it is now, so I gifted myself one yesterday and the good news is that my fingers still remember the 5 whole chords that I know! Haha! I am so excited to practice every day, learn new chords, and build up my callouses and my muscle memory so I can get good enough to SING ALONG! What are you doing to add music into your life in a more intentional way? I can't wait to hear!
Participants | Points! |
Mel Hopes | - |
Hillarie Miller | 32 |
Darci | 22 |
Carrie Phy | 24 |
Fawn | 38 |
Really Serious | 36 |
Allison Smith | 24 |
Liz | 29 |
Marsha | 🌟 |
David Atkinson | 18 |
Mary Anne Koski | 38 |
Cam | 30 |
Krystal | 16 |
KARIN | 35 |
Lisa Jones | 32 |
Christie | 27 |
Dannette | 35 |
Stephanie |
Melissa Douglas | |
Val | |
Shon | 16 |
Hillarie | 32 |
Melanie | 11 |
Dave | 18 |
Vicky | 29 |
WenD | 31 |
Jenny Robinson | 25 |
Sarah | 38 |
Bill | 38 |
Rich | 38 |
Caralee | 25 |
Maryjane | 35 |
Look at you guys go! Are there even going to be enough points out in the atmosphere for us to wrangle up next week???!! This could be a problem if you guys keep all this hard work up! :) I love that Marsha got a GOLD Star! Impressive! Thanks for taking the survey and for continuing on in your progress towards and healthier and happier YOU! That makes the world a better place for all of us! xoxox
24 of you are at the 4-5 level! That's grrrrrreat!!
An incredible 90.4% of people felt either a little or a lot better this week! That makes me so happy! Let's keep it up! Let's see how many plan to...
I am with you! That sugar can get a death grip on us if we are not careful! It seems sweet alright, but it's a sneaky guy! Gives you love handles while you're not even looking! I'm a little surprised the DECLUTTERING beat out EXERCISE! Maybe it's because I gave you 3 areas to consider or because you really took it seriously! If that is the case, then that's awesome!
What one thing have you learned from the challenge so far?
That I can’t give up just because my first three weeks have been busy.
The more I do the more I DO. It has been a series of building blocks and I am incorporating things from each challenge into my “normal”. I just have to keep doing.
Decluttering the mind is work
My sugar addiction is worse than I thought
I can do hard things!! Like no sugar!! 3 weeks down baby!!
I do better when I know I have to report so the constant reminder keeps me on my toes.
Discipline and accomplishment is so good for you attitude and mood
I am not being my worse enemy this time.
When you take on challenges break it down into pieces. Dont try to do it all at once and give yourself grace if you don’t meet your goal every time.
Still need more sleep
The motivation of the challenge has helped me do things I was planning on doing, but kept putting off.
Keep being intentional EVERY DAY!! I love this challenge!!
I'm reminded I can do hard things and challenges are good for me.
You can lay down in your bed for 7-8 hours but that doesn’t mean you will sleep. Full credit for effort!
It is all about choices! When I only have a little time to complete one of the challenges, I have to ask myself "Which one would put me in a better place right NOW?" For example, do I need 7+ hours of sleep tonight OR do I need to be uplifted by reading this great inspirational book? If I focus on what I actually need, the choice becomes so much easier and lets the guilt of not earning one of my points disappear.
I should not have started it
I need to be all in! I did pretty well the first week. 2 and 3... nope. Starting tomorrow... I'll be better. Thanks for all you do my beautiful, sweet friend!!
To set boundaries for myself to prioritize the things within my control.
Challenges can be fun.
It is a process to build on. I do have to have the mind set to do it and with the motivation from everyone I can.
Nothing happens without effort and a plan
Focusing on myself is fun and challenging! I love to read but somehow have let myself get to busy to read daily. I need to remember to focus on the Lord in action, not just mental conversation.
Little changes can make a big difference.
That I really can do things I thought were too hard. I just needed points!
Sleep is nonnegotiable and I need to have a sleep routine to wind down. Much like I have a routine to wake up in the morning.
Focused effort brings results- structure in goals helps
That I always do better on my goals when I do them in a group! Thanks for the motivation!

Well, THAT IS MARVELOUS!! (Thanks Rich for teaching me some new adjectives!) So glad you are liking it!
What "ah ha" moments or encouragement would you like to share with the group?
All of this is a choice. So when I don’t want to resist the soda or sugar or when I circle around the things I want to do but they feel overwhelming so I keep circling… or when I am tired and don’t want to walk … it’s a choice. Thankfully there is the challenge and this brings motivation. It’s easy when it’s easy. When it’s hard “I choose what I have committed to.” Thank you all for being there. You are part of my choice.
Once you start consistently getting 7-8 hrs. sleep you will realize it's worth it to always try to get this amount of sleep - I don't think I could go back living on 5-6 hrs. again
Just knowing other people are doing this challenge every day makes me more motivated and helps me keep going.
I tried to go to bed at the same time each night and not set my alarm. Most mornings I woke up at the right time. Discipline works!
I really am only accountable to my God. The support I am getting here is fantastic! My peace is coming for my Lord. And I am finding peace.
Be consistent and as positive as possible, even if you fall short in some areas you still come out ahead of where you once were.
There was one morning where I got a lot of uninterrupted sleep. When I got up, the thought actually crossed my mind that "I could tackle the world!"
Keep going!!!
Even taking 15 minutes a day to declutter makes a big difference in how I feel.
I’m starting to be surprised by my ability to turn down chocolate.
I was able to run 3 miles today. I haven’t run that distance for years (like decades). But it was doable because I am taking care of my body.
Realized how many distractions from others I allow each day that disrupt my priorities.
It’s easy when it’s easy. I have a choice and thanks to the focus of the challenge and the motivation from everyone - and the directive- I am choosing when it it’s hard to do what I may not want to do.
I feel better when I am working on my well being and well roundedness. The checklist helps me keep track and motivates me to keep trying. I'm not perfect and thats OK!
I can't believe how many years I functioned while being underslept. Wish I would have known more about sleep then. Won't take it for granted anymore. I will NOURISH my self with sleep and not beat myself up for needing a nap!
Zzzzzzzzz. I love sleep and I love thinking about all it is doing for me.
Thanks for your answers and input (and personal comments) everyone!! I just love Tuesdays and getting your feedback. To those who are struggling, remember the "Valley of disappointment" in that James Clear talked about in Atomic Habits? Things are changing inside your body and soul, you might not see the results you expected yet, but they will come. You have to work through this tough spot. Try to trim things down and focus in one area, so you can feel the impact of those changes and hopefully that will motivate you to keep going! LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!
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