RESULTS: Week 7 Enjoy Nature!!
Hello everyone and welcome to your results! A little less than half of you are reporting your results! We seem to be holding strong at about 21 or so, participants! Thanks for hanging in there and I know there are more people following but just not reporting and we are glad they are still participating too! These next few weeks are going to be KEY in tying all the things that we are learning together! I hope you will stay with us and see how it all comes together! I can't wait to see for myself! :) Here are the point standings...
Excellent work, people!! It looks like we have some really high performing people who probably wished they had washed their cars last week! I told you those points would be RANDOM!! You just never know what might earn them for you! FYI- my daughter wrote down a ton of ideas for these points and put them on strips of paper in a big cup and I draw one out every Sunday and use it (except when I was on vacation in S. Caroline, my niece came up with that idea). Thanks for filling out your surveys! I applaud you for each and every point earned. For every prayer offered.. every lap around the block... naughty sugary snack ignored... insightful paragraph consumed... ray of sunshine on your face... or personal challenge accomplished!! You are wonderful!
You did great this week! NOT one person fell into the first two categories! YAY!!
A quarter of you had your favorite week so far, and like me, 75% of us had it in their top 3! I think "Nature Week" is a keeper!
I love hearing your thoughts on this! 40% of us are feeling a little trepidation but most are feeling confident!! I think we will all be okay, either way!
What one thing did you learn about NATURE, Yourself, and/or your creator last week:
Just a reminder to spend more time outdoors, stare at the sky and listen to the trees.
Knowing who the architect of a building is makes it more meaningful. When you learn their style and purpose for a space you can truly appreciate it. Knowing my Heavenly Father helps me to enjoy nature that much more and Visa versa. I learned how much he loves me!
I worked in my yard and found I don’t have to go far to enjoy the beauty- birds bugs lol plants the wind the sky. I am rejuvenated by being outside.
Nature is a calming place for me and helps me ponder and think more clearly. Love it!
Sunsets rock!
I was reminded of the beauty of the seasons. Even trees in winter with no leaves truly have a beauty all their own.
I felt closer to my creator. I was going to tell you that this was my favorite challenge, but was happy to answer it in your question:-) I enjoyed the quiet time just looking.
Just amazed at all the beauty of this world that has been created.
When you take the time to observe, you feel awe with beauty that surrounds us!
I am blessed to see God's beautiful creations!
It’s nice to stop and ponder about the world that was created for us. Even when we think there’s not time, there’s time.
Just like taking away light pollution helps us to see the stars, we need to clear out all of the unnecessary things to see what matters.
Nature refuels me! I need it and I LOVE being in it!
Did you have any neat experiences in nature you would like to share?
My kids and I had a chance this week to explore pepper sauce caves near Tucson. My daughter who normally isn’t the adventurous type loved it! We really got into the experience and came out a muddy mess! By the end of the day trip, we all showered and washed up and we agreed we needed to wash the car as well! Is it a coincidence that a car wash is the challenge after nature week? I don’t think so!
This is the first week in quite a long time I did not go paddle. Too much to do around the house kept me land locked and I really miss it. Funky week for me.
My husband and I reviewed so many hikes we've done and identified one we have wanted to do again and explore a new part of it. We made plans to go enjoy that this next weekend realizing how much we truly love being able to escape in the beauty of God's creations!
We had some awesome experiences up in Utah this week with nature and light.
This week was tree week for our forest habitat in preschool. It was fun teaching about how amazing trees are and all the things they do for us. We try to regularly go to the mountains for tree health so I took my girls out of school and dashed up for 24 hours of trees. We saw the deciduous trees in full color and and the coniferous trees being ever green. One of my new favorite songs I discovered last year is the Lost Words Blessing has this line: Let the fir unfurl your grieving. I love that. It’s been true for me.
It was a good feeling to walk by the beach and observe the trees, clouds and sunset and get exercise while enjoying nature. Two for one.
Got in some beautiful runs and rides because the weather is perfect here in AZ!
I LOVE YOUR THOUGHTS, STORIES and INSIGHTS! Thank you so much for these ad for your comments and encouragement to me!! Here are some of your pictures and more stories!! These are LOVELY! I hope you will take time to enjoy!
These are tree pics and ocean pics from my Aunt Renee Stansel, near her home in Palos Verdes, CA and this first one is from her daughter's home in Sandy, UT. Thanks, Renee! They are LOVELY!!
By contrast we have some pics from David Atkinson's hike to his friend's cabin. BRRRRRR!!!
Look at that critter, but don't touch!!
Next we have some awesome pics from Karin Brimhall who says, "I love changing leaves. It was so fun to see that there were still some leaves hanging on to the trees up in Utah even though winter is fast approaching.
And Karin also said, "We were in Provo Canyon Thursday near Bridal Veil Falls just as the sun was going down. It was as if the sun was almost completely down and then there was this last burst of light shining through the canyon. My husband Danny took the one along the river. He captures the light perfectly."
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