Welcome back! Just five weeks to go! Hang in there!! I am so glad you are here!!
This week we are going to focus on JOURNALING DAILY!
Journaling is how we save our stories, and keep from losing our minds! They can be a huge blessing to us and our families, friends and society in the future and they can be such a great resource to us in the present as we work out inner struggles and difficulties on paper. Where would we be without the writings of those who came before us? Think of all we have learned through the recorded word: scripture, letters, journals, books, autobiographies, poetry, music and even petroglyphs! Where would we be without the writings of philosophers, leaders, sages, prophets, scientists, poets, dreamers, and all men and women who've contributed to the narrative of the human race? YOU SHOULD BE A PART OF THAT!!
Even better... just the very act of writing (or drawing) your thoughts and experiences down can be cathartic, therapeutic, eye-opening and healing. We can be our own therapist (it's FREE)! I really urge you to take this challenge on with a great deal of intention and get the most out of this practice. This is probably one of the greatest tools of healing I can offer you. It is always available to you. YOU WILL LOVE IT and be GRATEFUL you took the time to write things down. Journaling is a great way to see how your truthteller is working in your life and to remember what they have taught you (as well as invite more inspiration and direction). My journals have a been a constant source of fun, healing and direction in my life. They show me how far I have come and give me hope for the future.
Get a point every day that you write (or type) in a journal, or a diary etc.
Here are some prompts and ideas that you can use if you so choose!
1. Make a list of your accomplishments: These can be detailed or general.They can be anything big or small, in the distant or recent past. i.e. learned how to crawl, walk, how to talk, or graduated from college, participated in a public debate, landed a great job. This list can help us remember that we DO make a difference, that we have accomplished a million things, big and small, no matter what the adversary or our inner dialogue is trying to tell us. This blessed my life so much when I made a list of all the parenting accomplishments I could think of: gave birth to four babies, changed a million diapers (i actually figured out the average amount of diapers for each kid and added them up) made a "million" meals, drove kids to practices, said prayers, took them to church, attended sporting events etc... This list helped snap me out of a depression when I discovered 2 of my children were really making some terrible decisions.
2. Write out your prayers and your answers: Camille discussed this in our prayer week. We sometimes refer to this as "Heavenly Journaling" or "Prayer Journaling" so it counts here too! Write out the questions, thoughts and yearnings of your heart and then write out what you imagine your creator might say in response. Often your mind will be opened to direct truth for you and your soul at that time. THESE ARE SO HEALING and helpful! I can think of many times that this has given me comfort and direction! I hope you will try this at least once this week!
3. Write a letter of encouragement to your scared, sad or small self. Sometimes we need a little pep talk from a friend and who better to give it to us that than ourself! When you are in a place of strength, take the time to write yourself a pep-talk! These can be incredibly helpful to read in a time of despair, sadness or fear. You will be doing yourself such a big favor!
4. Write out the basics of your own life: Tell about your family of origin, your family now, your work and recreation. Think if you were to introduce yourself to a group and they wanted to know the basics, but in a little more detail. What would you tell them?
5. Write out a list of your favorite things: Teacher, movie, food, song, restaurant, TV show, podcast, book, poem, painting, artist, flavor, scent, experience, feeling, sport, actor, actress, singer, band etc etc.... keep going!! You will love looking back on this and so will your loved ones!
6. Write about the happiest day of your life! What a fun experience to relive and to save forever!! I can't wait to do this one!
7. Write out your legacy message. What do you want posterity to know that you don't want to leave this world when you do. Don't you dare leave this earth without sharing what you learned and believed while you were here!
8. Try ART journaling. If you are already an amazing journaler, trying art journaling! There are a million ways to do it! I have done it some and I LOVE IT! My great friend, Maritza Parra, has an aweseome company all about this called "Heartwork Journaling" and has even written a darling book about it that can get you started. You do NOT have to be an artist to draw out your stories and feelings! See her book HERE
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